Amy fleming:

Her boyfriends/ crushes:
Ty borden. He ends up marrying her.
This dude makes Amy cheat on Ty although Ty forgives him. In the end he marries Haley (in picture below) who is pregnant on the show when she comes in.
Jeremy seems to have more of a minor crush for less than an episode. This one is no big deal.
Jesse: (Season 1)
(Season 8)
This guy was Amy's boyfriend for a little while just when Ty was arriving. He is a little bit jealous that Amy is marrying Ty not him. (About above Jesse is the first spot of the picture.).
Ahmed actually kisses Amy but she tries not to kiss back. He has an arc of season 7 and the first few episodes of season 8. Actually I would like to see him in the next season (Season 9) of heartland.
Amy's Family:

Amy's mom. She died in a car crash that Amy was a part of. The viewers are reminded of her every season or so.
Lou is Amy's older sister. She is around 10 years older than her but they are extremely close. Lou's current husband in the series is Peter who at the end of season 8 are talking about divorce. They are currently separated. She is a biological mother to Katie. She also has an adopted daughter Georgie.
Grandpa is Amy's grandfather. When her dad left, he helped to raise her in a fatherly way. He has been there for her.
Tim/ Dad:
Tim is Amy's father who left her, Lou and Marion when he was kicked out by Jack. He came back in season 1, he has been there for Amy ever since, well sort of. He is a little intimidating. He also had the pleasure of walking down her down the aisle.

Georgie has a very interesting story. She was adopted by Lou and Peter in season 6. She has a brother named Jeff who guest stars on the show every once and a while. Georgie in the beginning was a really big Tomboy. She has turned to a more girly side of thing but she still is not a girly girl. Her and Amy are very close.
Katie is Lou's Baby. She was born in the 4th season, in her mommy's bed. Katie has been a very cute little addition to the series.

Soraya Martin is Amy's best friend. She has a wide span of variety of seasons. She is here for the first 5 seasons and for the Tamy wedding episode (season 8 episode 18). She left to go to England to be with her boyfriend.
Mallory is almost family to the Bartlett/Borden/Fleming/ Morris. She left in the beginning of season 7 to travel the world with Jake. Mallory always says what people are thinking but not saying. I really wish that she would come back for a little while.
Amy and Ty: